You know how we used to write personal notes for ourselves on the back of people's paper business cards? Well, personal note is a space on each digital card you scan, where you can write anything about the people you meet, making it easier to remember where and when you met them.ย
To add a personal note:
Tap on the card you want to add a note to
Scroll down to the 'Personal note' section and type a note
But 'Personal note' is a lot smarter than the back of the paper card. Not only can you write your notes there, but also:
Add hash tags (eg. #business, #supplier, etc.) so you can search for these tags later
Anything you write in your notes is 'searchable' via the app's search function - so the notes can also make it easy to find an old card you've scanned
Note: Personal notes are stored on your phone and do not get shared to anyone else. If you want to write and share a personalized message that gets sent with your card, you can customize the 'Exchange Message' for your card.