Brand Exposure Events
Brand exposure events represent all recorded interactions with your brand through digital cards. These include:
Viewing an employee card
Visiting your website through the card
Saving the card to an address book
Following you on social media platforms
Why it matters:
Brand exposure measures how often your digital cards make an impression. Exposure increases with every additional card share, helping extend your brand reach.
Card Shares
Card shares are the total number of times you or your employees share digital cards through the app or web app.
Note: Emails sent using the smart email signature are not counted unless the recipient clicks the share icon.
Why it matters:
Tracking card shares helps you gauge how actively employees promote your brand.
Activated & Claimed Cards
These refer to employee cards that have been:
Activated by the employee, and
Successfully linked to a Haystack account.
Why it matters:
Only employees with activated and claimed cards can share them effectively.
Activated Cards (Not Claimed)
These are cards where employees have:
Activated the company card but not completed account setup, or
Skipped Haystack account creation.
While these cards comply with company branding and are manageable via the Admin Dashboard, employees can’t fully utilize them.
Tip: Encourage employees in this group to complete onboarding to ensure seamless sharing.
Card View Events
This metric tracks how many times recipients open your digital card to view your contact details.
Why it matters:
Card views reflect initial engagement and brand curiosity.
Actions represent the number of activities performed by recipients after opening your card, including:
Clicking through to your website (1 action)
Calling you using the card (1 action)
Important: Actions performed from within a recipient’s address book aren’t tracked. High contact-saving rates may lower your visible action count.
Referrals are a unique type of card share where someone (other than you) shares your card via Haystack with a third party.
Note: Referrals made through personal contacts apps cannot be tracked.
Employees' Card Collection vs. Company’s Card Collection
When employees scan a paper business card, they can:
Forward it to the company’s card collection: Saves the contact in both their personal and the company’s collections.
Keep it private: Saves the contact only in their personal collection.
Why it matters:
Encouraging employees to forward contacts helps centralize and manage company leads.