Haystack takes our users' privacy seriously. Haystack uses the data you provide us for the sole purpose of serving our users with our digital business card services. We do not sell this data to any 3rd party, and we do not derive any revenue from advertising.
Haystack's entire revenue comes from users who choose to upgrade to our Haystack paid subscriptions.
The data we collect
Most of the data we collect comes from the information you and/or your company provide us - this data is normally the information you present on your digital business card
Other data we collect include IP addresses and usage of our platform which we use to fix bugs, improve our platform and provide technical support
We do not 'scrape data' from the internet
How do we protect your data
Haystack uses some of the most secure cloud servers and databases hosted by GCP (Google Cloud Platform). GCP provides Haystack with best in class fully managed cyber-security, backup and disaster recovery services, so you can rest assure your data is safe, and is readily available at all times (99.95% uptime)
All your data is fully encrypted at rest and in transit
Haystack's servers are regularly tested and audited by independent 3rd parties and by some of our large enterprise clients for compliance with the highest standards
Your rights
The data you store on our servers is yours. You are the 'Data Owner' - Haystack is the 'Data Processor'
Via our app (or the Admin Dashboard for paid subscriptions) you can manage and fully control your data, as well as choose to remove your data in its entirety.
Related topics:
Learn more about App Permissions
How to delete my FREE account
How to cancel my PAID subscription
To learn more about our privacy policy, please visit our Privacy Policy and/or our Terms & Conditions.
You can also access this information through our website http://thehaystackapp.com/